
Unlocking Natural Healing through Ortho-Bionomy

Ortho-bionomy is a gentle, non-invasive bodywork therapy that combines combines principles of osteopathy, acupressure, and polarity therapy. It aims to facilitate the body’s self-healing mechanisms by providing a supportive and comfortable environment for the body to release tension and restore balance. 

For those who are uncomfortable with removing their clothes – do NOT fear – the treatment is performed while you are fully dressed.

Ortho-Bionomy techniques involve gentle movements, positions, and light touch to bring the body into a state of relaxation and encourage natural realignment. It is often utilized for pain relief, stress reduction, injury recovery, and overall wellbeing.

When you go for an Ortho-Bionomy session, you can expect a safe and non-invasive treatment approach that aims to alleviate pain and tension throughout your body

What to Expect from an Ortho-Bionomy Treatment

1. Assessment

Your therapist will first assess your movement patterns, posture and listen to your concerns or areas of discomfort to understand your body’s unique needs

2. Gentle Positioning

You will be guided to lie down or sit comfortably while your therapist gently positions your body into positions of ease and comfort. This encourages your body to release tension and self-correct misalignments.

3. Gentle movement

Your therapist may use gentle, subtle movements to further help your body recognize dysfunctional patterns and encourage it to return to a more balanced state. These movements may involve twisting, rocking, stretching, or reflexive responses from your body.

4. Feedback and integration

During the session, your therapist may ask for your feedback on any changes in your body sensations or movements. This helps promote your active participation and enables the therapist to adjust techniques if necessary.

5. Relaxation

Ortho-Bionomy incorporates relaxation techniques, such as focused breathing or guided imagery, to help you relax deeply and facilitate the body’s ability to release tension and restore natural alignment.

6. Aftercare

Your therapist may provide you with aftercare suggestions, such as specific exercises or self-care techniques, to support the benefits gained during the session and encourage continued body awareness and well-being.

Overall, an Ortho-Bionomy session aims to provide a gentle and supportive experience that helps your body find its own natural balance, reduce pain, enhance flexibility, and increase overall well-being.