What You Focus on, You Create More Of

I took many things from my yoga training and have implemented them into my everyday life. One thing I love to do is to really take notice of things and be in the present moment. To experience all that is now and using all of my senses. The things we experience when we fully engage in the senses is truly amazing.


When we really listen, we may hear something that we have never heard or heard that way before; we may hear the unspoken words of someone too afraid to speak, and we learn. Learn to be patient, learn information, learn to accept, become more understanding or see things from a different perspective, and the list goes on.

Listening is highly underrated.

To be silent and present with someone or simply in the moment can be so rewarding, inspiring or insightful.

Yes, at times, it can also be draining. That is why listening also gives us the knowledge to pick up on the triggers to know when to let go and move on.

Being silent and sitting fully present with someone actively listening could mean so much to that person. Not everyone needs advice or a running commentary, but to be heard or to have that sounding board can be such a pivotal part of mental health healing.


To see the true beauty that is all around us is such a blessing, and I am so grateful for being taught these things. Often, we overlook things in the rush of life, and we miss the spectacular sights. Things that we take for granted every day.

A butterfly, an insect on the ground, a baby’s smile, our children laughing.

We all know things are there, and we treat them like part of the furniture, just there, and don’t give them a second thought. Our pets, our parents, our gardens.

If we slow down enough to really look at the intricacies of a leaf, the number of different designss on a single plant, the many colours of each strand of hair that make up the colour we see, then we would notice so much more beauty. It would be a joy to get out of bed each day to see what amazing things are to be discovered and to hear the many wonderful sounds of a joyful life.


A gentle, loving touch can bring such warmth to the soul, and you can feel the love energy being exchanged from one heart to another. A simple holding of the hand of a young one who needs to feel secure or the hand of an older person to feel stable all send a message of love, respect, kindness and caring.

To stroke a baby animal’s soft fur or hair also softens the heart.

A simple touch can say so much, it can bring up so many emotions, and it is fundamental to life.

It has been scientifically proven, in the most horrific way, that a baby will not survive without human touch.


The smell of freshly cut grass or rain shower brings a sense of happiness. The smell of a meal cooking reminds us of something we smelt at Grandma’s house, or the smell of print reminds us of our school days. The sense of smell can induce so many wonderful memories, even the bad smells sometimes.


Oh taste is a special one. It sets off the senses to induce the body to start making saliva in anticipation of a delicious meal or can make us feel sick and protect us from harm. The anticipation runs wild when we smell and see, and to taste the end product is perfection if all the other stuff is done well anyway. Taste can make us feel content, satisfied, excited and happy.

To explore and experience new places, all the senses are on high alert, sinking deeply into the psyche as a memory to recall and smile in years to come. Each of us emits a certain scent of endorphins, and our houses all have their own unique smell. 

We could all look at the same thing and see something completely different. We can all hear things differently as we all pick up on different frequencies. Our palates and cultures are different and with taste, what is delectable to one person may be quite offensive to another.

I often take the time to really listen and really see things in the moment, and it brings me great joy, peace and contentment. But recently, I have noticed a certain theme, and it has me wondering why it is that I pick up on these things. It doesn’t concern me as I feel honoured and blessed to be able to see what I do. You will see by the photos below what the theme is.

     Can you see the faces?

    This seems to be the theme of what I see. Maybe deep down I am searching for someone, or maybe someone is searching for me.

    The second one is a piece of plastic that surrounds a parsley plant. How would you be? I just spotted it. I decided that it was time to start photographing these strange events where possible. So now I am on the prowl.

     What is your thing? What do you see?

    Take notice of what jumps out for you. Look into the trees, the sky, the sand. It may be patterns. A friend of mine sees love hearts wherever she goes, photographs them and shares them to spread the love as far as it can go.

    Explore your world and take notice of the things that jump out unexpectedly to you.

    No judgement, just observations. Notice how once you focus on a thing, it keeps appearing. Like the new car you just bought and it now seems that everyone has one. What you focus on, you create more of. Exploration, observation, peace, love and joy. Off you go.

    Written by Patti Dodd

    Patti believes that the key to wellbeing lies in honouring the timeless wisdom that has guided humanity for centuries and offers effective and proven solutions that hark back to simpler times.

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